Candy Cat Reviews Glico Caplico Mini (10 Sticks)

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Are you tired of boring candy that tastes like a snickers bar vein? Look no further than Glico Caplico Mini! These cute little sticks are like a candy cloud in your mouth. Seriously, they're so light and fluffy that you'll feel like you're floating on a sugar high.

I first discovered these at a candy factory near me and I was immediately hooked. The packaging is adorable (hello candy box 2) and the candy itself is even better. The texture is a cross between gum balls and lollipop ginger, which makes for an interesting but delicious experience.

These candies are perfect for anyone who wants to feel like candy king for a day. They're also a great snack to share with friends (or keep all to yourself, we won't judge). And if you're a fan of Palmer chocolate or sugar daddies candy, you're sure to love these.

- Adorable packaging
- Light and fluffy texture
- Unique taste and texture combination
- Perfect for sharing

- May not be for everyone's taste
- Only 10 sticks per pack

In conclusion, if you're looking for a fun and unique candy experience, give Glico Caplico Mini a try. It's the perfect candy for candy digital enthusiasts and anyone who wants to do the tootsie roll dance. Overall, I give it an 8/10.

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